
Friday, October 26, 2012

Welcome to the Grand Re-Opening of Perfect Poses!

 My studio is BH up and running and it looks absolutely great! Its a whole lot bigger and better than my last one so I'm really enjoying this. 
I am running a very exciting promotion for the first ten customers- No charge for the sitting! This is a $50 value so hurry and call now! There will also be an ongoing promotion for Kollel families and Rebbeim so make sure to ask about that if applicable.
My new studio is located on Beach 3rd street and we have this wonderful view right outside our door. I will be able to take indoor and outdoor portraits in one session at no extra cost!

I cant wait to meet you and your child and you will certainly come away from here with...Perfect Poses!
Here is a sample of the very first portraits taken here....



Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Coming very soon....Grand Opening of Perfect Poses in Far Rockaway!

Well....its been a very hectic few months, between moving countries, setting up an apartment, furniture shopping, job and babysitter hunting, and then of course Yom Tov...but B"H everything is getting settled and I'm ready to work on Perfect Poses' brand new state-of-the-art studio! I got all new equipment and backgrounds, lots of new props, a huge facelift on this blog (and soon to come website) and best of all, a much bigger studio right off the water with a great view for outdoor pictures. Right outside the front door! Stay tuned for portraits in the new studio from the very first customer....(my daughter of course!) Till then, I'm reposting some old favorites for all of my potential Far Rockaway and Five Towns customers to enjoy!